By touch
into the present moment

Everything is an art form if it's approached in that way.

What do I do? I help focus awareness.

Book your shiatsu


Gently, with respect and with my full attention.

That is how I approach shiatsu and each of you, who come to me.

Whether you need to relax your stiff back, calm your mind or return to yourself.

A touch as a form of working with different layers of being.

more about shiatsu

For companies

Do you want to offer your employees an unusual benefit?

Japanese shiatsu massage is just the thing.

As a client you stay fully dressed from head to toes.

As a company all you have to arrange is space.

A room with empty floor space 2x2,5m and a comfortable room temperature.

Everything else I’ll bring with me.

more information



Masáž od Míši je jemná a příjemná a někdy v průběhu i usnu... Hned po masáži se cítím uvolněná a dozvuky vší té péče, které se mi dostalo, cítím v několika následujících dnech. Vřele doporučuji vyzkoušet.

Milada Bouzidi

(Freelance lektorka Aj)

Něco inspirativního

To bych potřebovala taky...

Shiatsu as a gift

An envelope with a voucher for a shiatsu massage can be a great gift for your partner, family or friends. After purchase they'll have half a year to schedule an appointment.
